Atwood & Palmer Inc. Holds Position in Raytheon Company (RTN)


29 May, 2017

The company has market cap of 48.60 million GBP. The stock rose 0.12% or $0.2 reaching $161.68 per share. The average numbers of shares are traded in a security per day, during the recent 3-month period.

Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN) last issued its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, April 27th. It has outperformed by 7.33% the S&P500. KeyBanc Capital Markets maintained the shares of GB in report on Friday, August 28 with "Overweight" rating. Following the transaction, the vice president now directly owns 21,714 shares of the company's stock, valued at $3,294,665.22. Raytheon Company now has $47.22B valuation. Janus Management Ltd Company has invested 0.19% in Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN). It has outperformed by 1.89% the S&P500. On Friday, October 23 the stock rating was maintained by Deutsche Bank with "Hold". Therefore 67% are positive. Kornitzer Capital Management Incorporated Ks reported 5,900 shares. The stock was sold at an average price of $154.46, for a total value of $810,915.00. As per Monday, October 12, the company rating was upgraded by JP Morgan. Credit Suisse has "Outperform" rating and $175 target. Perkins Coie Trust reported 147 shares. RBC Capital Markets upgraded the shares of RTN in report on Thursday, September 17 to "Top Pick" rating. Cowen & Co has "Buy" rating and $170 target. Shares for $71,000 were sold by Jimenez Frank R on Thursday, January 26. The insider Wood Michael J sold $647,350. $1.36M worth of stock was sold by RHOADS REBECCA R on Tuesday, February 14. The insider Keel Paul A sold $1.53M. Ryan John Michael sold $527,737 worth of stock. Shin Hak Cheol sold $8.41M worth of 3M Co (NYSE:MMM) on Wednesday, February 8. ALONSO HECTOR had sold 6,899 shares worth $396,651 on Tuesday, April 4.

Investors sentiment increased to 0.86 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.10, from 1.2 in 2016Q3. 7 funds opened positions while 4 raised stakes. 383.70 million shares or 2.52% more from 374.26 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Barclays Public Ltd Company has 246,051 shares. Hancock invested in 0.16% or 30,118 shares. Blackrock Japan Limited holds 497,220 shares or 0.23% of its portfolio. Ig Mngmt Ltd has 0% invested in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM). Pittenger Anderson reported 0.18% stake. Massmutual Fsb Adv invested in 848 shares. Capstone Asset Management Co invested 0.27% of its portfolio in Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN). Lpl Limited Liability Company has 0.02% invested in 3M Co (NYSE:MMM). Thompson Davis Commerce Incorporated holds 0.01% or 38 shares. Investment House Limited Liability Company holds 1,600 shares. The Lafleur & Godfrey Llc holds 115,377 shares with $16.38 million value, down from 118,343 last quarter. 2,500 are owned by Pettyjohn Wood And White. Commonwealth Equity stated it has 10,463 shares or 0% of all its holdings.

Analysts await Exelixis, Inc. It has a 33.71 P/E ratio. It also reduced Shaw Communications Inc (NYSE:SJR) stake by 16,023 shares and now owns 183,567 shares. Sysco Corp (NYSE:SYY) was raised too. On average, analysts anticipate that Raytheon Company will post $7.48 EPS for the current year. During the same period in the previous year, the business earned $1.43 EPS. The aerospace company reported $1.73 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters' consensus estimate of $1.61 by $0.12. Its down 0.10, from 1.2 in 2016Q3. Scott & Selber Inc. now owns 19,571 shares of the aerospace company's stock valued at $2,664,000 after buying an additional 113 shares in the last quarter. 88 funds opened positions while 331 raised stakes. 1,109,884 shares of the company's stock traded hands. Gamble Jones Inv Counsel holds 10,228 shares or 0.16% of its portfolio. They expect $0.02 EPS, up 112.50% or $0.18 from last year's $-0.16 per share. Daiwa Sb Investments reported 2.48% stake. Moreover, Boulegeris Investments Inc has 0.29% invested in Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN) for 3,345 shares. Fifth Third Natl Bank stated it has 0.08% in Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN). South Texas Money Management Ltd. now owns 167,197 shares of the aerospace company's stock valued at $22,761,000 after buying an additional 45,974 shares during the period. 540 were reported by Kanaly Company. Moreover, Sector Gamma As has 1.46% invested in the company for 520,091 shares. Stifel Nicolaus maintained Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN) on Friday, January 29 with "Buy" rating. Raytheon Company's dividend payout ratio is presently 39.38%. Below is a list of Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN) latest ratings and price target changes. The New York-based Manning Napier Advsrs Llc has invested 0.05% in Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN). Bath Savings Commerce has invested 0.1% in Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN).

Vetr cut shares of Raytheon Company (NYSE:RTN) from a buy rating to a hold rating in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday, May 9th. Therefore 75% are positive.

RTN has been the topic of a number of research reports. Royal Bank of Canada reiterated a "buy" rating and issued a $180.00 target price on shares of Raytheon Company in a research report on Friday, March 24th. (NYSE:LVLT) earned "Neutral" rating by BTIG Research on Tuesday, November 1. Raytheon Company's revenue was up 3.4% on a year-over-year basis. The rating was maintained by Panmure Gordon with "Buy" on Tuesday, December 1. The stock has "Top Pick" rating by RBC Capital Markets on Friday, April 29. Deutsche Bank maintained it with "Hold" rating and $160 target in Monday, December 5 report. The rating was maintained by Stifel Nicolaus on Friday, July 29 with "Buy". Barclays Capital has "Equal Weight" rating and $127 target. Panmure Gordon maintained Private & Commercial Finance Group plc (LON:PCF) on Thursday, April 14 with "Buy" rating. Shareholders of record on Wednesday, April 12th were paid a dividend of $0.7975 per share. Lawrence Taylor W sold $155,353 worth of stock. Crestwood Advisors Group LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Raytheon Company during the first quarter valued at $110,000.

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