Owens Corning (OC) Sets All-Time High; Strong Momentum for Holders


10 June, 2017

Stifel Nicolaus reissued a "buy" rating and set a $64.00 target price on shares of Owens Corning in a research note on Thursday, February 9th. The hedge fund run by Hal Mintz held 22,993 shares of the electromedical & electrotherapeutic apparatus company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $76,000, down from 545,918 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Owens Corning (NYSE:OC) has risen 23.07% since June 7, 2016 and is uptrending. The stock had a trading volume of 112,593 shares. Marshall Wace North America L.P. purchased a new position in shares of Owens Corning during the first quarter worth $1,359,000. It has outperformed by 6.37% the S&P500.The move comes after 5 months positive chart setup for the $7.18B company. Shares for $488,940 were sold by HAKE RALPH F. Mackenzie Corporation accumulated 0.01% or 43,628 shares.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.2 in 2016 Q4. Its up 0.10, from 1.1 in 2016Q3.

Equities analysts predict that Owens Corning (NYSE:OC) will post earnings of $1.01 per share for the current quarter, according to Zacks. AQR Capital Management LLC raised its position in Owens Corning by 12.9% in the fourth quarter. 109.20 million shares or 2.75% less from 112.29 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Jag Cap Mngmt Limited Liability accumulated 232,014 shares or 2.72% of the stock. Northcoast Asset Management holds 23,038 shares.

Shares of Owens Corning (NYSE:OC) traded down 0.06% during trading on Friday, reaching $64.55. Owens Corning's revenue was up 20.1% compared to the same quarter past year. New York-based Cornerstone Hldgs Ltd Liability Company has invested 0.11% in Owens Corning (NYSE:OC). Dimensional Fund Advisors LP now owns 3,357,696 shares of the construction company's stock valued at $173,131,000 after buying an additional 424,127 shares during the last quarter. Barclays Capital upgraded the stock to "Overweight" rating in Monday, August 24 report. "Raises Position in Owens Corning (OC)" was reported by Transcript Daily and is the sole property of of Transcript Daily. Alliancebernstein LP reported 75,592 shares. American Century Cos has 0.07% invested in Owens Corning (NYSE:OC). The correct version of this news story can be accessed at https://www.thestockobserver.com/2017/06/09/los-angeles-capital-management-equity-research-inc-has-3-27-million-stake-in-owens-corning-oc-updated.html. Four research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, five have assigned a hold rating and thirteen have assigned a buy rating to the company. Therefore 60% are positive. RBC Capital Markets maintained Owens Corning (NYSE:OC) rating on Thursday, July 23. The firm earned "Market Perform" rating on Thursday, April 28 by FBR Capital. They issued a "buy" rating and a $74.00 price objective for the company. The firm has "Buy" rating by Jefferies given on Tuesday, September 13. The firm has "Sell" rating given on Tuesday, October 6 by Goldman Sachs. The company was downgraded on Thursday, April 28 by FBR Capital. The stock of Owens Corning (NYSE:OC) has "Overweight" rating given on Thursday, January 5 by KeyBanc Capital Markets.

Since December 9, 2016, it had 0 buys, and 6 insider sales for $3.94 million activity. Following the transaction, the insider now directly owns 32,688 shares in the company, valued at $2,025,021.60. Shares for $483,446 were sold by Francis Julian on Friday, March 3. On Wednesday, February 22 the insider SMITH DANIEL T sold $1.05M. The insider McMurray Michael C. sold 19,500 shares worth $1.18 million.

Bluecrest Capital Management Ltd increased Sherwin Williams Co (NYSE:SHW) stake by 26,722 shares to 31,921 valued at $8.58 million in 2016Q4. 10,895 are owned by Nomura Inc. It also reduced its holding in Cisco Sys Inc (NASDAQ:CSCO) by 759,075 shares in the quarter, leaving it with 373,126 shares, and cut its stake in Amgen Inc (NASDAQ:AMGN). Therefore 50% are positive. Netgear has $70 highest and $42 lowest target. The company now has a consensus rating of "Hold" and an average price target of $62.16. The stock of NetGear, Inc. FBR Capital has "Mkt Perform" rating and $63 target. On Thursday, September 29 the stock rating was initiated by Wells Fargo with "Market Perform". Vetr has "Buy" rating and $9.51 target. Suntrust Robinson downgraded the shares of OC in report on Thursday, October 22 to "Neutral" rating. The firm has "Neutral" rating given on Monday, November 7 by UBS. The rating was maintained by Rosenblatt with "Buy" on Tuesday, February 9. On Wednesday, July 6 the stock rating was maintained by Wedbush with "Neutral". The company was upgraded on Thursday, January 21 by Longbow. About 65,837 shares traded. Edap Tms SA (ADR) (NASDAQ:EDAP) has declined 15.92% since June 9, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 47.76% the S&P500. Bnp Paribas Investment Partners Sa holds 0.05% or 93,526 shares. 34 funds opened positions while 62 raised stakes. Cap One Natl Association has invested 0.03% of its portfolio in Wolverine World Wide, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Wealth Mgmt holds 0% or 502 shares in its portfolio. Dekabank Deutsche Girozentrale accumulated 1,090 shares. Moreover, Manchester Capital Ltd Llc has 0% invested in Wolverine World Wide, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTGR) for 11,748 shares. Finemark Fincl Bank And Tru owns 354 shares. Citadel Advsr Limited Liability Corp holds 21,762 shares. 36,846 are held by First Quadrant Limited Partnership Ca. Barrow Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss Ltd Liability Com holds 0.57% or 7.19M shares. Thrivent Fin For Lutherans has 0.01% invested in Wolverine World Wide, Inc. Amalgamated National Bank holds 0.01% or 4,328 shares. Dana Investment Advisors Inc bought 12,344 shares as the company's stock rose 7.09% with the market. The Company's product line consists of devices, such as network attached storage, Internet protocol security cameras, and home automation devices and services. It has a 29.3 P/E ratio. The Company's divisions include Composites, Insulation and Roofing.

Analysts await NetGear, Inc. During the same period in the prior year, the company earned $0.53 earnings per share. Owens Corning had 37 analyst reports since July 23, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel.

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